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History and Politics

“What remains of Communism? Analysis of the end of a system”, Wednesday, March 3, 2012, Sala delle Colonne – Palazzo Marino, Via Poli, 18 – Rome

Meeting, “Donna e (è) Politica”, November 23, 2009, Palazzo Valentini, Sala di Liegro – Rome

Meeting, “Middle East: a possible peace, an Arab and an Israeli in comparison”, April 3, 2009, Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio –  Rome

Meeting, “Muhammad Yunus: microcredit against poverty”, March 2, 2009, Palazzo Altieri (headquarters of the Italian Banking Association) – Rome

Symposium “The global challenge: energy crisis, financial crisis, food crisis, towards a new global ethic?”, November 27, 2008, Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio – Rome

Meeting, debate “The Catholic Church in Third Millennium’s Europe”, November 12, 2007, Sala Pietro da Cortona, Capitoline Museums, Campidoglio – Rome

Meeting, debate “Europe – Islam: the dialogue continues …”, October 8, 2007, International Conference Room, Islamic Cultural Center of Italy – Rome

Meeting, debate “Europe – Islam: a necessary dialogue” July 10, 2006, Sala della Protomoteca – Rome

Meeting, debate “Europe – India: collaboration in the age of globalization, the technological and information dimension” 20 and 27 June 2005, Sala del Cenacolo and Sala della Protomoteca – Rome

Meeting, debate “Europe – America: what prospects?” December 20, 2004, Campidoglio – Rome

Conference, debate in collaboration with ISPI and the Ambassadors of the European countries “Enlargement and the European Convention: meeting with one of the great protagonists of Italian Europeanism: Lamberto Dini” (Homage to the European Union), September 20, 2003, Council Hall, Government Palace – Siena

Meeting, debate “Euro: its impact on the global economic-financial and political balance” (Homage to the European Union), September 20, 2003, Aula Magna of the University of Siena

Round table “The European Union between enlargement and strengthening: compatible trends?” Inaugural Event of Meetings with European Culture in Tuscany, July 15, 2000, Great Hall University of Siena – Siena

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Symposium “The global challenge: energy crisis, financial crisis, food crisis, towards a new global ethic?”, November 27, 2008, Sala della Protomoteca, Campidoglio – Rome

INVESTFORUM “Slovakia, new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises” (Meetings with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia), September 24, 2005, Palazzo Vivarelli Colonna – Florence

Meeting, debate “Euro: its impact on the global economic-financial and political balance” (Homage to the European Union), September, 20 2003, Aula Magna of the University of Siena

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Concert Against Hunger in the World “The Energy of Music”, Maestro Boris Petrushansky plays Dmitrij Šostakovič, December 8, 2013, Teatro Eliseo Patroni Griffi – Rome

Concert Against Hunger in the World “For a universal harmony” by Maestro Ramin Bahrami “Variations of Goldberg” by Johann Sebastian Bach, December, 17, 2012, Saturday, Teatro Eliseo – Rome

Luis Bacalov in concert for Haiti “Notes for a reconstruction” by M ° Luis Bacalov, March 15, 2011, Saturday, 4 December 2010, Auditorium della Conciliazione – Rome

Concert Against Hunger in the World “Isaac Albeniz: Passion and Pietas” by Maestro Guillermo Gonzales, December 4, 2009, Conservatory of Santa Cecilia – Rome

“The freedom of art: tribute to Brahms” Concert against Hunger in the World, December 12, 2008, Auditorium della Conciliazione – Rome

“Source of life: homage to Schubert” Concert against Hunger in the World,  November 1, 2007, Auditorium Parco della Musica – Rome

“Oiseau de Feu” Celebratory gala of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaties of Rome, May 25, 2007, Rome Opera House – Rome

“Drop of water: tribute to Chopin” Concert against Hunger in the World,  November 11, 2006, Auditorium – Rome

Celebratory gala of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaties of Rome: tribute to Stravinsky”, May 25, 2006, Rome Opera House – Rome

Representation of the comedy “La Grande Parrucca” by Peter Karvaš, in the Italian adaptation of Sabina Calvesi (Meetings with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia), September 25, 2005, Teatro della Pergola – Florence

Performance of the Slovak contemporary ballet DAJV (Meetings with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia), September 24, 2005, Teatro della Pergola – Florence

Opera concert by the soprano Klara Mitsova, accompanied by pianist Simona Coco, (Encounters with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia), September 23, 2005, Palazzo di Parte Guelfa – Florence

Premiere of the contemporary ballet “Magic Boxes” of the Ballet of the National Academy of Dance (Homage to the European Union), September 20, 2003, Teatro de’Rozzi – Siena

Review of contemporary European theater, June 2002, Teatro del piccolo Eliseo – Rome

Round table “Perspectives of the European Theater of Prose”, June 25, 2001, Palazzo della Cancelleria – Rome

Concert of the “Quartetto di Fiesole”, July 15, 2000, Park of the Villa Chigi Saracini, Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI)

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“The Twelve Apostles: between physicality and mysticism of Andrei Dubinin”, April 18, 2008, Basilica dei SS. Apostoli – Rome

Slovakia, crossroads of European civilizations (Meetings with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia), September 24 – January 15, 2006, National Archaeological Museum of Florence

PRAE – ARS: prehistoric roots in contemporary art in Central Europe, March 24 – June 25, 2006, “Luigi Pigorini” National Museum of Ethnography – Rome

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“Haiti mon amour”, Haitian naive artists from the 80s – 90s, Sunday December 23, 2012, Atelier Montez, via di Pietralata – Rome

PRAE – ARS: prehistoric roots in contemporary art in Central Europe, March 24 – June 25, 2006, “Luigi Pigorini” National Museum of Ethnography – Rome

Mysticism and realism from the Far East: LAOS and VIETNAM, April 25, 2006, Appartamento del Barbo, Palazzo Venezia Museum – Rome

“Andy Warhol: his Slovak roots” retrospective from collections of the “Andy Warhol” Museum and “The Andy Warhol Society” (Encounters with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia) September 26 – October 31, 2005, Uffizi Gallery – Florence

Exhibition of contemporary art “Archetypes of Europe” by Mimmo Paladino (Curator: Enzo Di Martino and Marco Pierini), September 20, 2003, Sala Grande, Palazzo Piccolomini, State Archives – Siena

Historical and photographic exhibition on Euro (Homage to the European Union), September 20, 2003, Great Hall of the University of Siena – Siena

SPIRIDON NEVEN DUMONT Opera Omnia, April 6 – May 5, 2002, the Vittoriano complex – Rome

Exhibition of Giovanni Giuliani “Return to Florence 1967 – 2000”, October 21-29, 2000, Palagio di Parte Guelfa – Florence

Exhibition of the TOPAZ sculptor “Uomini”, July 15, 2000, Castello di Goro in Montebenichi (Bucine – Arezzo)

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Meeting, debate “Tuscany: Tourism, Environment and Architecture” (Homage to the European Union), September 21, 2003 – Montalcino, Fattoria de ‘Bardi

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Meeting, debate “Tuscany: Tourism, Environment and Architecture” (Homage to the European Union), September 21, 2003 – Montalcino, Fattoria de ‘Bardi

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“Geostrategies Europe – North Africa” Meeting with Prof. Gihanke Zaki, Wednesday, June 26, 2013, Sala Teatro – Academy of Egypt, Via Omero, Rome

“Egypt one year from Tahrir Square” symposium, October / November 2012, Egyptian Academy / Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, Rome

“Meetings with European culture: Azerbaijan” Symposium of geopolitical study on Azerbaijan, September / October 2012, Palazzo Cisterna, Via Giulia – Rome

“Valery Giscard d’Estaing: statesman and novelist”, December 20, 2010, Palazzo Barberini – Rome

“The Russians in Naples: the great authors of Russian literature”, June 21, 2008, Villa Pignatelli – Naples

“Meetings with European culture in Tuscany: Slovakia”, September 23-25, 2005, Florence

Homage to the European Union (September 20-21,2003)

Round table “The European Union between enlargement and strengthening: compatible trends?” Inaugural Event of Meetings with European Culture in Tuscany, July 15, 2000, Aula Magna of the University of Siena – Siena

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